
How To Remove Toilet Cistern Lid No Screw


This post describes: Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns to maintain the inlet valve and flushing mechanism.


If you have tried opening dual-flush toilet cisterns you may accept plant the hat was held downwardly past something. But what? There are no clips or screws.

Traditional porcelain cisterns flushed with a handle have their lids held down by gravity.

Opening Dual-Flush toilet cisterns, like my Armitage Shanks1 Ascania, can exist difficult. They take their lids held in place past the Geberit Affluent Push Mechanismtwo. The Button Socket, mounted in the cistern lid, is held down by a plastic spiral attached to an internal function within the cistern.

This commodity gives advice on this type of dual-flush toilet cistern chapeau removal.

Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns for Armitage Shanks Ascania Toilets

To open an Armitage Shanks1 Ascania cistern, start by extracting the ii buttons from the Button Socket.

Push one push button down all the style and continue it down (the toilet will affluent). Turn your finger then that your fingernail engages with the side of the other button. Both buttons accept a finger nail notch on the side. Dig your nail into the notch and pull out the button. The button volition click out of position set up for removal from the socket. My buttons have a long thin rod of plastic attached which reaches downward to operate the real buttons within the cistern. Be conscientious not to break them.

Pic. 1 to 5. Removing The Buttons
Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns
Picture show. 1. Pressing down the Large Flush Button to appoint fingernail with the Modest Flush Push.
Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns
Pic. 2. Clicking it out with a fingernail by pulling it upwards.
Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns
Film. three. Lifting it slightly.
Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns
Movie. 4. Lifting information technology a long way upwards. Grab information technology and pull it out.
Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns
Picture show. 5. The Small Button has been remove. Take agree of the large push button and pull it upward as well.

Now with your forefinger of the other hand engage your fingernail in the other button in the aforementioned way and pull it out with a click.

The Push Socket (Silver Cup)

Look into the socket and you will run into a plastic screw that has upward to now escaped yous. It is the one that holds the chapeau on. It shouldn't be over tight. unscrew it with a screwdriver having a broad flat blade 1mm thick.Don't chew up the soft plastic of the screw with a screwdriver that is too small.

The silver button socket mounted through the hat has no thread in the spiral pigsty. The screw is just a tight fit so information technology doesn't easily drop out. The thread into which it screws is in a flat plastic Sliding Plate held aloft by a frame, referred to as a bridge, attached to the flushing module/valve beneath the Button Socket.

Wash and clean all parts earlier reassembly.

Note: Cleaning fluids running into the Button Socket will drain through holes into the cistern for flushing away.

You can come across all the parts below:

Pic. 6. Both Buttons Removed
Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns
Moving-picture show. 6. Both Buttons Removed

The Sliding Plate In The Bridge

See the cistern below with the lid removed and the internal parts labelled:

Movie. seven. Cistern With Lid Removed
Opening Dual-Flush Toilet Cisterns
Motion picture. seven. Cistern With Lid Removed

The Sliding Plate in the Bridge (Top Adjuster) is loose. It moves around horizontally and then that its holes marshal with the Button Socket in the lid.

Be careful not to accidentally push the Bridge down. It ratchets downwards easily but is difficult to draw back up. The moving-picture show below should aid with this:

Motion picture. eight. How to enhance the Span on The Flushing Mechanism
How to raise the Bridge on The Flushing Mechanism
Motion-picture show. 8.  How to heighten the Bridge on The Flushing Mechanism.

The Bridge has two ratchets, one on either side of the mechanism.

To lower the Span:

Simply push information technology downwards gently and it volition click into place 7.25mm lower down. (7.25mm is the distance between holes in the ratchets.)

Note: Due to flexibility of the Bridge plastic i side may go down with one more step than the other side. The Bridge seems to tolerate that but the highest side needs pushing downward until both sides are at the same acme.

To raise the Bridge:

Squeeze the buttons on both of the ratchets' pawls (pointed to in the motion-picture show). That will press the pawls into the mechanism together to disengage them from the ratchets. So pull the Bridge up. This is difficult considering the plastic is a flake likewise stiff to clasp. I have failed to squeeze them both at the same time, even with the mechanism out of the cistern. When the mechanism is in situ, it may be easier using a 'third hand' to pull the Bridge up while using both hands to clasp.

My communication: Clasp i pawl at a time and raise ane side of the Bridge by one notch, then echo with the other pawl. The plastic is flexible enough for the pawls on opposite sides to be one notch out of step. Whatever more than that and the plastic may intermission.

Ultimately the Bridge needs to sit just beneath the Button Socket. The Sliding Plate as well has two holes through which the Button Spindles3 pass on their way to engage with the real buttons beneath.

Aligning The Holes In The Plate With The Button Socket

When assembling the buttons, first with the Bridge high up on the rachets. When the cistern hat is put on it will push the Bridge downwards to most the right height. Then look through the hole in the cistern hat to run across how the sliding plate is positioned. Shine a torch downwardly at that place to illuminate it.

Utilise a pointed tool similar a thin screwdriver, pencil or button spindle inserted in the central hole. Move the plate and centre the 3 holes to receive the Button Socket.

In order to engage the big white screw with the thread in the Plate the holes in the Button Socket (argent cup) need aligning with the holes in the Plate. This is done past using the buttons' spindles to keep the holes aligned while tightening the screw. See the flick below:

Flick. 9. How to marshal the holes of the Button Socket & the Plate
How to align the holes of the Button Socket & the Plate.
Pic. 9. How to align the holes of the Button Socket & the Plate.

The button socket tin so be attached and the big white spiral can be turned to engage the thread. And so the Button Socket can be pushed downward into the lid ratcheting the Span lower equally information technology goes down. The screw can then be tightened to finish the job by pulling the Push Socket down and the Bridge upwardly trapping the lid between them.

NOTE: When plumbing fixtures the spindles in the holes the black one has a larger bore than the green ane.

Note: The buttons can remain on the spindles so long every bit each button is rotated 180° to produce a gap betwixt them. And then a screwdriver volition fit in between to attain the large white screw.

Note: If the cistern lid has been prised off (or just forced upwards) by someone who doesn't know how information technology is held in identify, then the Sliding Plate, Bridge or some other function could be cracked or cleaved and will demand replacing2.

Flushing The Cistern With The Lid Off

To flush the cistern with the lid removed poke something suitable through the holes in the Span's Sliding Plate and utilise information technology to push the flushing buttons down, e.g. use a button with spindle attached, a screwdriver or printing with a finger where space permits.


1. How to change a Geberit Affluent Push button and Valve

Here you can see a plumber performing a dual-affluent toilet cistern lid removal while working on a Geberit Two Flush Button Outlet:

In the video you can come across how the outlet valve splits in two, with the lower part remaining in the cistern, while he adjusts the tiptop of the bridge.

ii. Encyclopedia of Toilets

Check out this Encyclopedia of Toilets. Part of InspectAPedia.

one. Armitage Shanks are at present part of Ideal Standard.

2. Parts for the Geberit Flush Button Mechanism used by Armitage Shanks and Platonic Standard can be obtained from Amazon and other suppliers equally follows:

Geberit Dual-Affluent Valve with Internal Overflow and Buttons

Geberit Dual-Flush Valve Push Buttons

Geberit Dual-Flush Valve Bridge

Geberit Dual-Affluent Valve Base Sealing Washer

Geberit Dual-Flush Valve ONLY without Internal Overflow or Buttons

For other suppliers search under GEBERIT, TWICO, Ideal Standard or Amitage Shanks.

These parts may also be available from builder'due south merchants, DIY stores and hardware shops.

3. Button Spindles are cut to length co-ordinate to the size of the cistern that the flush valve is installed in. The spindles are hollow and so stainless, brass or nylon screws may be inserted into the bottom of the spindles to brand their length adjustable, peculiarly if they are cutting too short.


How To Remove Toilet Cistern Lid No Screw,


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