
Imgur Drops Support For NSFW Subreddits Citing Business Risks

Imgur shutterstock website

In a blog post published earlier this week, popular epitome-sharing site, Imgur, appear it will no longer support Reddit'southward NSFW communities, citing risks to its own business. According to the post: "Every bit of Oct 2019, Imgur will no longer display NSFW Imgur r/subsections associated with Reddit subreddits". Additionally, pages that are known to contain such content "volition now require that a user log in and acknowledge that they are xviii+ years of age in order to view", said the company.

The image-hosting site, still, reassured Redditors that it won't remove any legal content uploaded earlier, irrespective of how distasteful they may be. All content will still available at their original URL, and volition also be available for viewing directly, it said. Co-ordinate to the post, NSFW content will still remain legal on the website, and users will still be able to upload such content, provided they are marked equally 'subconscious'.

Imgur says it was forced to take this pace considering "these pages have put Imgur's user growth, mission, and business at risk. We want Imgur to be a fun and entertaining place that brings happiness to the Net for many, many years to come. Thus, nosotros take made the difficult decision to discontinue support for these subsections on Imgur".

For Redditors seeking alternative sites to upload risque content to adult sub-Reddits, Imgur suggested they use a couple of 3rd-political party services – Redditery and Redditgrid – both of which plain have less hangups over such content. Information technology will be interesting to encounter how Redditors will answer to these changes, but going by their initial reactions, not many are happy about the development.


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