
Indian Government Urges Social Media Platforms to Remove Misleading Coronavirus Videos

Indian Government Urges Social Media Platforms to Remove Misleading Coronavirus Videos

The Indian authorities has reportedly contacted social media platforms like TikTok, Helo, and Facebook to accept down videos that aim to mislead Muslims in the state confronting post-obit precautional measures to contain the spread of coronavirus.

"We have written to Tiktok, Helo and Facebook about the Covid-nineteen related videos on their platforms which are trying to influence Muslims and asked them to immediately take them down", government sources familiar with the matter told ET.

The government'southward appeal to remove misleading videos from these platforms comes after a written report submitted to the Ministry building of Home Affairs last week past fact-checking business firm Voyager Infosec.

The videos are believed to accept originated after the controversial Tablighi Jamaat run across that apparently has led to an unprecedented number of coronavirus infections beyond the country.

According to the report, there have been trending social media campaigns on Twitter against TikTok under the hashtags "#BanTikTokinIndia", "#jihad_failata_TikTok", and "data_leak _by_TikTok" since the platform accounts for the spread of near simulated news. We saw dozens of like tweets under the hashtag "#जिहादी_TikTok" as well.

"We are actively working with the government to back up them in their efforts to fight misinformation and proactively also working to elevate credible information related to Covid-19 on our platform," a TikTok spokesperson told ET.

TikTok has taken a few steps regarding the coronavirus situation, including a donation of 400,000 hazmat medical protective suits and 200,000 masks worth Rs 100 crore to assist doctors in India. However, the company's goodwill is at pale if poor content moderation policies similar these continue to follow.


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