
Steve Jobs' Personality Changed After Apple Growth: Wozniak



In a Podcast with old Apple evangelist, Guy Kawasaki, Steve Wozniak shared a unique perspective to the life of Steve Jobs and what information technology was like to beginning a revolutionary visitor with the marketing genius.

In the podcast, Wozniak said that while he never idea well-nigh making big money, Jobs stuck to the thought of making it large in life. "Steve wanted to exist of import, and he had zero money," Wozniak said. Jobs was e'er looking for "little ways" to brand money as he wanted to be "that of import person" in life. "And this was his big take a chance considering now he was the founder of a visitor with big coin being put in." added the engineer.

Equally per Wozniak, after Apple started growing at a rapid charge per unit, Jobs' personality changed every bit he was no longer into playing pranks or joke around. Instead, he always wanted to talk business organisation. According to Wozniak, "He got kind of strict".

Well, Woz was non surprised as from the day they met, Jobs was e'er talking about these important people similar Shakespeare, who changed the globe. Wozniak also said that as Jobs talked nigh these personalities, he wanted to exist one of them and he felt he had that spark. "He had the motivation, and sometimes wanting something is a lot more important than having the real skill", added Woz.

Before joining Apple, Woz was said that he was quite happy and content working in Hewlett Packard (HP). "I had told anybody I knew I was going to be an engineer at Hewlett Packard for life considering I loved it and I didn't desire to always be corrupted by big coin," Wozniak told Guy.

Wozniak was not fix to leave HP to solely work for Apple and he already conveyed this to Jobs. Later on Woz turned down working just at Apple tree, Jobs called the friends and relatives of Wozniak and asked them to talk to him until he was finally convinced.

Woz also added that he is still an Apple tree employee, and is the only person who has been receiving paychecks from Apple each calendar week since the company started, till now.

"It'due south small, but it's out of loyalty, because what could I do that'due south more than important in my life?" added the co-founder. Wozniak also said that now he is in a position where nobody'south going to fire him. Lastly, he went on to add that he e'er had strong feelings for the company which they started in Jobs' parents' garage.


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